miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

De vuelta...

Otra vez aquí, otra vez el frío, no mas sol, no mas verano... que bajón!

Pero con pilas para este 2008, con proyectos, planes y demás.

Si, si, FELIZ!!!!

domingo, 20 de enero de 2008


Chicos, no los ví a todos, algunos porque se fueron de vacaciones, otros por no poder coordinar. Como sea, quiero que sepan que cada uno de ustedes sabe bien cuánto los quiero.

Ya mis vacaciones se van terminando y mañana sale mi avión de vuelta para las uropas. Solamente les quería decir: Gracias por estar, gracias por su amistad a pesar de la distancia.

Porque la distancia es sólo distancia, los verdaderos amigos estan siempre!

Los quiero chicos y gracias -posta- por estar!

besitos, los quiero mil y escriban.

Su amiga siempre,


lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

In the backyards...

OK, really nice weekend with good friends! So nice...
We went outside the big city and arrive on friday night El campo, as we always call it...
quite place, relaxing and great!

A picture with everybody...

To summarize:
-We slept
-played different games
-spoke a lot (mostly with the girls)
-ate heaps!
-had fun
-we lay down at night to watch the stars
-some of the people went horse back riding
-and some of us did nothig but relax and talk!
-drank mate also.. very important!
-we ate asado and empanadas...

Before we left we passed through an old train station...

great weekend, more pics here

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

Una cena especial en Salta

A special dinner in Salta during the weekend... pretty nice video:

for more pics here

lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

Salta y Jujuy

Our round trip during the weekend, we visited friends and in between made some stops in really nice places in the North of Argentina... quite nice.

We left Tartagal and went to Salta city, this is what we saw on the way..

After leaving Salta city we went to Jujuy, direction: Purmamarca a little town in the middle of nowhere, so high that during the day you have 40°C but in the night you can have below 10°C or even 0°C. Altitud: 2500mts above the sea level... The bad thing is to realize how turistic it has become, but very nice, full of backpackers and all.. nice...

This is arriving...

Already there...

On the way back to Tartagal...somewhere in Salta...

Cool weekend with a lot of beautiful landscapes...

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

Finally in Argentina

Note: Ok, start in English so as people round Europe can understand...

Apart from the fact that I am completely melting in Buenos Aires with 30 degrees everyday, I still have to start making up my mind that tomorrow I will be with temperatures over 40º C.

But my journey started on Sunday, happily I took my flight from Austria to Frankfurt, still had to look up for my boarding pass for the next plane, so I went to the airline counter and the pretty lady said "oops, your flight doesn´t exist, it´s so weird, check up in the other counter what they can do for you" what?!?!?!?!?!?
Ok, went to the other counter already preparing my act of "i´m a poor young girl that wants to be home on the 31st to celebrate with her family" (I don´t like the aggressive act). So, went with this attitude and there I´ve found a very nice fat lady that took 2 hours for me only to search for a flight. But, she only found the a flight to Brazil on the 31st December at 10 pm.... sucks!!!
Positive side: read a whole book (it is always good to read); second, spend a night in a confi hotel with good food, all for free; and third repeated the story of last year where I also spent new year on a plane (though not alone) and: as I had a great 2007, it will obviously be a great 2008 as well (promising...)
Negative side: no champagne to celebrate, only the congratulations of the cold german captain; second, spend new year alone (though I met a nice Bolivian girl to say "cheers! happy new year"); and third, there is no third as far as I remember.

Arrived to Buenos Aires at last the 1st of January at lunch time, so nice to be home!!!!!

Met already with some family and friends! cool!

And today in the evening flying to the end of the world, ok, not really but to Tartagal... let´s se at what time I will make it up to there...

regards to all!!